クレーム(特許請求の範囲)研究 ブログトップ
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米国特許クレーム研究--United States Patent 7,363,138(5/1) [クレーム(特許請求の範囲)研究]

United States Patent 7,363,138
"Wheel slip detection and torque management"

(1) 自動車の制御に関する技術。方法クレームとして発明をカバーしている。
(2) "detect"、"compare"、"reduce"の流れで時系列に処理を規定している。発明のresultまでクレームで規定している(発明の有用性を主張できるようにしている)。
(3) 権利範囲を広くするため、"at least one of"の用語を効果的に使っている。
(4) 装置クレームに関しても、起草可能か考察すること。
(5) "least-square approach":最小二乗法

1. A method of controlling traction in a vehicle having at least one non-driven wheel speed sensor,

the method comprising:

detecting at least one of actual vehicle acceleration and a wheel speed difference;

comparing said at least one of said actual vehicle acceleration and said wheel speed difference to at least one of a predetermined vehicle acceleration and a predetermined wheel speed difference to detect vehicle wheel slip; and

reducing wheel torque in response to said detected wheel slip based upon vehicle acceleration using a least squares approach or a wheel speed difference;

said method further comprising:

comparing a non-driven wheel speed to a threshold non-driven wheel speed value and trans throttle value to a threshold throttle value to obtain a comparison result; and

selecting a wheel slip detection method based on said comparison result.

2. The method of claim 1 wherein said comparing step further includes:

detecting a wheel speed acceleration; and comparing said wheel speed acceleration to a predetermined wheel speed acceleration to detect wheel slip.

3. The method of claim 1 further comprising:

specifying a transmission speed ratio based on a current vehicle speed; and

providing a line pressure in the transmission based on the specified speed ratio.


米国特許クレーム研究(USP 6,329,919)(4/30) [クレーム(特許請求の範囲)研究]

"System and method for providing reservations for restroom use"
USP 6,329,919, December 11, 2001 (Filed: August 14, 2000)






【以下、USP 6,329,919より抜粋】

1. A method of providing reservations for restroom use, comprising:
receiving a reservation request from a user; and
notifying the user when the restroom is available for his or her use.

2. The method according to claim 1, further comprising assigning a reservation number in response to the request.

3. The method according to claim 2, wherein said assigning the number assigns number based on a set of priority rules.

4. The method according to claim 2, wherein said assigning the number assigns number on a first come, first served basis.

5. The method according to claim 1, further comprising providing the user with an approximate waiting time.

6. The method according to claim 1, further comprising determining whether the reservation is cancelled.

7. The method according to claim 1, wherein said reservations are provided on an airplane.

8. The method according to claim 1, wherein ...(以下、省略)

10. A method of providing reservations for restroom use, comprising:
submitting a reservation request for restroom use; and
receiving notification when the restroom becomes available for use.

17. An apparatus for providing reservations for restroom use, comprising:
a programmed computer, further comprising:
a memory having at least one region for storing executable program code; and
a processor for executing the program code stored in the memory, wherein the program code, further comprising:
code to receive a reservation request from a user; and
code to notify the user when the restroom is available for his or her use.

33. Computer executable software code stored on a computer readable medium, the code for providing reservations for restroom use, comprising:
code to receive a reservation request from a user; and
code to notify the user when the restroom is available for his or her use.

49. A system for providing reservations for restroom use, comprising:
means for receiving a reservation request from a user; and
means for notifying the user when the restroom is available for his or her use.

The dangers of standing on an airplane while the airplane is in flight are well known. However, because of the shortage of restrooms on board, it is often necessary for passengers to stand for quite sometime in the aisles while queuing to use the restroom. Standing in the aisle of a moving aircraft creates safety hazard and inconveniences for both the passenger and other people on board. For example, a standing passenger may fall and injure himself or other passengers when the airplane encounters turbulence in the air. Likewise, a passenger may lose a great deal of his valuable time or miss a significant portion of an entertainment program because of waiting to use a restroom.


米国クレーム研究(4/23) [クレーム(特許請求の範囲)研究]


United States Patent 7,318,194
"Methods and apparatus for representing markup language data"

33. A computerized device configured to convert markup language data into a data format expressed as a sequence of encoded items,

the computerized device comprising:

an input interface to receive a stream of markup language data;

a character processor coupled to the input interface, the character processor identifying markup language constructs within the markup language data received on the input interface;

a computer readable medium coupled to receive output from the character processor;

the character processor producing, as output within a computer readable medium, for markup language constructs identified within the markup language data, a data format expressed as a sequence of encoded items,

an encoded item of the data format comprising: a type field containing at least one of:

i) a construct type identifying a type of markup language data construct to which the encoded item corresponds; and

ii) a directive type identifying directive information concerning a processing characteristic associated with the sequence of encoded items;

and if the type field contains a construct type, the encoded item further comprises:

i) a length field containing a size of construct data associated with the markup language data construct to which the encoded item corresponds; and

ii) a value field identifying construct data associated with the markup language data construct to which the encoded item corresponds; and

if the type field contains a directive type, the encoded item further comprises:

a directive value supplementing the directive information concerning a processing characteristic associated with the sequence of encoded items,

wherein the character processor produces a fragmentation type length value encoded item that identifies a fragmented markup language construct indicating that construct data identified in the value field of the encoded item is not a complete representation of construct data associated with the markup language construct to which that encoded item corresponds.

(1) クレーム1と同様に装置クレームでも、記録される情報、およびデータフィールドの構成が特徴としてクレームされている。装置の部分自体は特に新規な部分ではない。

(2) "A computerized device"をクレームの主題とすることで、パソコン、携帯端末、携帯電話など様々な実施品に対応させている。

(3) "a character processor coupled to"などの記載を採用することで、米国特許法第112条第6パラグラフが適用されにくくなっている。(抽象的なmeans forの表現よりは、実際のハードウェアに近い物を規定している)

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米国クレーム研究(4/21) [クレーム(特許請求の範囲)研究]


United States Patent 7,318,194
"Methods and apparatus for representing markup language data"

18. A method of converting markup language data into a data format expressed as a sequence of encoded items, the method comprising:

receiving a stream of markup language data;

identifying markup language constructs within the markup language data;

for each markup language construct identified within the markup language data, producing, within a computer readable medium, a data format expressed as a sequence of encoded items, an encoded item of the data format comprising:

a type field containing at least one of:

i) a construct type identifying a type of markup language data construct to which the encoded item corresponds; and
ii) a directive type identifying directive information concerning a processing characteristic associated with the sequence of encoded items; and

if the type field contains a construct type, the encoded item further comprises:

i) a length field containing a size of construct data associated with the markup language data construct to which the encoded item corresponds; and

ii) a value field identifying construct data associated with the markup language data construct to which the encoded item corresponds;

and if the type field contains a directive type, the encoded item further comprises:

a directive value supplementing the directive information concerning a processing characteristic associated with the sequence of encoded items,

wherein the producing the data format comprises producing a namespace encoded item that identifies a namespaces associated with at least a portion of the markup language data represented by the data format.

(1) クレーム1と同様に方法クレームでも、記録される情報、およびデータフィールドの構成が特徴としてクレームされている。方法の部分自体は特に新規な部分ではない。

(2) the method comprising:, のクレーム構成とすることで、米国特許法第112条第6パラグラフが適用されにくくなっている。

(3) 日本の特許審査基準において、データの内容(コンテンツ)にのみ特徴がある発明は新規性を有さないものとされる。(以下、第Ⅶ部 特定技術分野の審査基準・第1章 コンピュータ・ソフトウエア関連発明より抜粋)
 『 (2) データの内容(コンテンツ)にのみ特徴がある場合の取扱い

 例1 「データ構造Aを処理する成績管理装置」という発明が存在した場合、データ構造Aを処理する方法を変えることなく、データ構造Aに、学生の成績管理データを格納することによって「データ構造Aを有する学生成績管理装置」としても、競走馬の成績管理データを格納することによって「データ構造Aを有する競走馬成績管理装置」としても、「データ構造Aを処理する成績管理装置」としては何ら変わらないのであるから、新規性が否定される。

 例2 データ構造Bを有する「音楽C を記録したコンピュータ読み取り可能な記録媒体」が格納された情報処理装置が存在した場合、同一のデータ構造Bを有する「音楽Dを記録したコンピュータ読み取り可能な記録媒体」が格納された情報処理装置としても、「データ構造Bを有する音楽を記録したコンピュータ読み取り可能な記録媒体が格納された情報処理装置」としては何ら変わらないのであるから、新規性が否定される。』

(4) 但し、審査基準のこの定義から、日本でも「データ構造」自体が新規であれば、(少なくとも)その発明は新規性を有するものと考えてよいといえる。

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米国クレーム研究(4/16) [クレーム(特許請求の範囲)研究]


United States Patent 7,318,194
"Methods and apparatus for representing markup language data"

What is claimed is:

1. A computer readable medium configured with a data format representing markup language data, the data format expressed as a sequence of encoded items,

an encoded item of the data format comprising:

a type field containing at least one of:

i) a construct type identifying a type of markup language data construct to which the encoded item corresponds; and

ii) a directive type identifying directive information concerning a processing characteristic associated with the sequence of encoded items; and

if the type field contains a construct type, the encoded item further comprises:

i) a length field containing a size of construct data associated with the markup language data construct to which the encoded item corresponds; and

ii) a value field identifying construct data associated with the markup language data construct to which the encoded item corresponds; and

if the type field contains a directive type, the encoded item further comprises:

a directive value supplementing the directive information concerning a processing characteristic associated with the sequence of encoded items,

wherein the data format includes a namespace encoded item that identifies a namespaces associated with at least a portion of the markup language data represented by the data format.

(1) 記録される情報、およびデータフィールドの構成が特徴としてクレームされている。"if the type field contains a construct type, the encoded item further comprises: ..."などの部分がある意味機能的である。

(2) 日本の特許審査基準において、データ構造自体は(たとえそれが記録媒体に記録されてなくても)一定の要件の下に特許の対象となる、とされている。(以下、審査基準から抜粋)

 『第VII部 特定技術分野の審査基準
第1章 コンピュータ・ソフトウエア関連発明

 例4 A構造、B構造、C構造、…を有するデータが記録されたコンピュータ読み取り可
 2.2.4 「構造を有するデータ」及び「データ構造」の取扱い
 「構造を有するデータ」(「構造を有するデータを記録したコンピュータ読み取り可能な記録媒体」を含む)及び「データ構造」が「発明」に該当するか否かについては、「2.1 基本的な考え方」により判断する。』

(3) 但し、法定の発明の定義(「自然法則を利用した・・」)との関係で拒絶される事例は多い。

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